An Open Letter to the Spiritual and Wellness Community

Dear Spiritual Community,

What the fuck?

The word propaganda is the new conspiracy theory, which, oh by the way, you are not more “woke” for believing in. Conspiracy Theories are another way to establish extreme viewpoints leading to divisive rhetoric and fuel the illusion of separation. 

Just because there are competing opinions, does not suddenly make it propaganda. If someone does or says something shitty and it gets reported, that does not mean it is propaganda. If studies that are backed by a larger pool of data and scientific research get reported, it does not make it propaganda. 

By your definition, all media is propaganda. What this fails to take into account is what Journalism used to stand for. It used to stand for research, integrity, and honesty. Yes, the current media is appalling, which is a legitimate experience. AND it fails to take into account that there are journalists who still live and breathe by their integrity. People who give a shit about the validity of information disseminated. People who go to work everyday wanting to make a positive difference in the lives of others. This generalization of media and propaganda propagates further separation and dispels unity.

I get it. You like your freedom. You don’t want to wear a mask or get vaccinated. Cool. Whatever. I do implore you to consider what political figures you stand behind to satiate your need for this short-term comfort. 

I see the spiritual community applauding the downfall of late-stage capitalism (I mean, I get it; Capitalism is oppression). You seem to be waiting with baited breath for the United States’ Pluto Return; excited for breakdowns of the establishment and government. But look around you. Open your eyes. The breakdown that you seek is occurring, but it is falling into the hands of autocratic, right-wing leaders who celebrate real oppression. The book burning, neo-nazi, white centric, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, ageist, ableist, patriarchal, white supremacists that will happily strip our advancement back to 1930s Germany. Oh wait. We’re already there while you wax poetic about the 5D.

Autocracy does not mean more freedom. It means less freedom. Autocracy does not mean less propaganda. It means more propaganda. Propaganda is “the dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion.” By that definition, your social media posts are propaganda and this letter. The propaganda that will spread if we do not protect this democracy is the real 1984 Big Brother shit. 

The Florida Governor is making it illegal to discuss LGBTQIA+ in school denying children the right to be themselves. Texas is just next level with its bills that providing gender confirming medical care to children as abusive. You want to talk about propaganda, yet I fail to see you speak up when this is the topic. What in the actual fuck? 👏THIS 👏 IS 👏 WHEN 👏 YOU 👏 NEED 👏 TO 👏 SPEAK 👏 UP 👏 AGAINST 👏 PROPAGANDA. 👏

Wearing a mask or getting a vaccine isn’t a loss of freedom. It’s uncomfortable and limiting, but it’s not oppression. Oh, and it’s not required by law like it is in other counties (at least not in the US). Women losing their right to access safe abortions as medical care is a loss of freedom. People having their humanity stripped away from them through heinous new bills or laws based on false and didactic principals is a loss of freedom. 

Being in these human meat suits is so fucking limiting. It sucks. Being human sucks. Yes, you are a soul AND you incarnated on this planet to be a human. Now be a fucking human, stop whining about temporary discomforts, and get your head back in the game. We need you. You talk about being a spiritualist, healer or lightworker. Well, sometimes being those things means opening your fucking mouth and being an activist for real-life human things like gay and trans rights, access to abortion and racial and social justice issues.

It’s not your ministry? Uh. You’re a human. The protection of human and social rights is everyone’s ministry. Not sure what to say? That’s ok. Promote the voices that speak truth to power AND/OR donate your energy (time or money) to causes that support human rights.

Spiritual community - We’ve got some real fucking shadow work to do. That education system that needs a lot of work is also made of people who go to work everyday wanting to help children and make a difference. That government you seem to despise? Yup. Made of a bunch of humans who go to work everyday wanting help and make a difference. Healthcare, pharmaceutical industry, and insurance? You guessed it. People who go to work every day wanting to make a difference and help people. 

Sound familiar, spiritualists, healers and light workers? People who you admonish also want to help people. It’s easy to blame the establishment, yet it’s a lot harder to remember that these places are made up of people like you and I. But they’re wrong and you’re right? You sure about that? Good thing you don’t live in glass houses because that’s too wasteful, commercialized, and probably wasn’t built by vegans. Do you enjoy being a victim? Is that why you insist on vilifying the establishment and feeding the illusion separation? 

And guess what, spiritual community? Some of our very own work inside those walls wanting to make a difference AND they need our help. They don’t need our admonition and alienation as all these things are generalized and lumped together. They don’t need to feel like outsiders in this community because they’re a journalist who is trying to exemplify integrity of information, yet all media is “propaganda.” Or because they helped do research on a vaccine that is condemned in large parts by this community. Or because they fight school boards to teach the things that don’t need to be unlearned, lose and choose to fight another day. (Cough) Or they worked for the CIA and despite the unhealthy, codependent, patriarchal government culture that mimics that of an abusive, over-protective lover, can also feel for the people that show up every single day wanting to save the world. (Cough)

They know these establishments are broken. They feel it. They see it. They live it everyday. They need help to fix them. They need to be fixed at the individual person level. Maybe some systems need to break before they can be fixed? But based on what I’m seeing, they’re already broken. What are you waiting for? The complete collapse of civilization? Well, keep sitting back, watching the show, and that’s what you’re going to get. It isn’t going to be pretty and it won’t be kind to you just because you sat back in your micro-garden basking in your pillar of white light telepathically talking to aliens as you watch it. Judging it. For being propaganda and a conspiracy theory. (Hint: it’s not and it doesn’t make you better than everybody.) 

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got my own shadow work to focus because we all know I wouldn’t be this upset if I felt I was doing enough myself.


Kari Moore


Emotional Labor


Happiness is Destiny