Alchemizing Childhood Trauma and Wounding
I have been taking the Soul Expansion course through @nikkinovo in order to build my trust muscle. During a practice circle, the person we were reading asked for tips for alchemizing childhood trauma and wounding. This was what came through for me:
Alchemy is the act of turning one thing into something else. Alchemizing your trauma is giving these parts love over and over again until it no longer presents as an activation. Childhoods, while we wish they were not something people needed to heal from, are made to show people their trials and tribulations from an early age. What is an issue as a child will likely remain an issue until this love is given to these parts that were wounded.
Instead of looking at these wounds and this work as something that needs to happen now, we ask you to remember that events will naturally come up throughout your life that will aid in your healing. You will not be triggered by your wounds in a way that you cannot heal or handle. There is no need to necessarily seek out your darkness as we will prompt events in your life when it is time to heal those parts. There is no perfection. There is no rush. There is no need to feel like you need to get “over” it right this moment. You will be “over” it when it is the right time and no moment sooner.
Giving yourself the grace to be with your dark parts as well as your light parts is all part of the process. Grace is what you should be seeking on a regular basis as this is where that love will come from. Have grace to know that mistakes will happen. Have grace to know that not everything will happen in your timeline. Have grace in your knowing that you are doing the best you can with what you know at this time. Grace. Compassion. Love. These are the ingredients of alchemy.