Dear Activists

Dear Activists,


We need to work on our methods. I know we’re all activated more than usual right now. I know we are full of rage and fear. We’re quick with our tempers and even quicker with our words. That said, we need to start checking our use of shaming and blaming as a means to attempt to say our piece.


And I say this as someone who can find compassionate things to say on a topic, only to go off a moment later on another topic (or even the same topic/different aspect). Folks - psych professionals are finding that the more shaming and blaming that’s done, the more people hold aggressively tighter to their opinions. People identify with them so wholly that these opinions become their identity. They’re armoring up.


There needs to be an activism re-group or something because I am real nervous about the 2024 election in the US, especially, if we do not start shifting out of blame/shame and moving towards compassionate, boundaried dialogue.


Considering the anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ legislation, the current tactics aren’t working. We are trying to out-shame the people that practically created it. We can’t out-guilt people who would disown their own child at the drop of a hat out of a (false) fear of eternal damnation. We can’t out-logic dogma and faith that ignore scholars’ updated translations of the material that dogma and faith is based on.


We really need to start unpacking our shit and we need to stop in-fighting in ways that mirror our patriarchal, capitalist up-bringing. We need to work together and we need to stop using shaming and blaming. We need to set boundaries. We need to dialogue. And we need to use our voice and vote.


What Role or Title Should I Use?


Armoring Spectrum